Welcome to Chislet Parish Council
Welcome to Chislet, our beautiful village in East Kent, halfway between Canterbury and Margate. Centred on the Norman Church of St Mary the Virgin we boast the delightful Chislet Church of England Primary School and the warm and welcoming Gate Inn. The Parish Council hopes that this website helps with useful information for residents and visitors alike. If you have any questions or suggestions, get in touch!
Canterbury District draft Local Plan
Canterbury City Council is consulting on a new draft Canterbury District Local Plan to 2040 and several supporting strategies.
The draft plan proposes to allocate land for new homes, jobs, new schools, a new hospital and community uses. It also seeks to put in place new rules designed to dictate the quality and density of developments, boost biodiversity, protect valued open spaces over the long term and to ensure any new development minimises its contribution to climate change while also mitigating against its effects.
The local plan is important because once adopted these new rules will be used to decide all planning applications in the district.
Alongside the draft plan, Canterbury City Council have also published the draft Canterbury District Transport Strategy, draft Open Space Strategy 2024-2040, the draft Air Quality Action Plan and the
Sustainable Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document.
Consultation runs until 5pm on Monday 3 June.
To read the documents and give your views, please use the links below.
Draft Canterbury District Local Plan to 2040: shorturl.at/iKY56
Draft Canterbury District Transport Strategy: shorturl.at/zFLUX
Draft Open Spaces Strategy 2024-2040: shorturl.at/bekmt
Draft Air Quality Action Plan: shorturl.at/hBWZ8
Sustainable Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document:
Solar energy manufacturing site between Hoath and Chislet
Enso Energy has recently contacted Chislet Parish Council about its proposal to build a solar manufacturing site on 250 acres of arable farming fields between Hoath and Chislet.
Canterbury City Council Planning has agreed that environmental screening for this proposal is unnecessary because it "would not be likely to have significant effects on the environment."
Hoath and Chislet Parish Councils have jointly represented that the plans risk "lasting damage ... on [the] environment, society and governance (ESG) of Hoath, Chislet and wider region of Canterbury." (click here for more information in our News section)
Click here to find CCC Planning's documentation about the proposal.
This is likely to be discussed at forthcoming parish council meetings. Community input is encouraged.
Footprint of proposed solar energy manufacturing site
Parish Council Meetings: please check logistics before you attend
As plans can sometimes change at the last minute, we strongly suggest members of the public contact us about upcoming meetings if they would like to attend. We aim to hold meetings on the third Thursday of every month at 7.00pm at the Herseden Centre. See Upcoming Events for more information.
If you would like to join, please contact chisletparishcouncil@outlook.com. All are welcome!
We are trialling a Chislet Parish Council newsletter which aims to email you once a month after we have uploaded our latest approved meeting minutes.
Enter your email address below to sign-up.
Please note that we are asking for your postal address to verify legitimacy.
Please bear with us as the system evolves!