Chislet is a diverse and beautiful parish and most of us are happy getting on with our daily lives quietly.
But sometimes we want to make ourselves heard when we have a problem or complaint. Life in Chislet and its neighbouring parishes is not perfect and we all see examples of inappropriate or illegal conduct including speeding cars, antisocial residents, and inconsiderate development proposals, large and small.
We are stronger together and Chislet Parish Council wants to help parishioners, even if we cannot fix everything overnight. Knowing who to raise concerns with and how is important. We hope the information below is helpful. Logging a problem with the right authority creates a valuable audit trail and raises the chances of it being fixed.
“Low level crime”
We all know this is a misnomer. The person who suffers from a crime can be cruelly impacted regardless of the severity of what they experience in the eyes of the law. Many of us experience events that we think are illegal but cannot justify a 999 because we respect the need to keep this channel open for urgent response by police, fire and ambulance crews.
At the same time, our supportive authorities respond on an evidence-driven basis. So it is important that we as a community accumulate records of events in our parish, especially if any single event may be too small to garner interest but contributes to a compounding pattern of concern.
Please use the links below to report such concerns to Canterbury City Council or the police. Remember, you are NOT wasting people’s time. These reporting services has been created for a reason. You should not expect an immediate response, but you should be reassured that your concerns are officially logged so that authorities have to take note.
Report a planning issue: click here
Report fly tipping: click here
Report noise, smell or smoke: click here
Report a crime: click here for Kent Police
Or click here for Crimestoppers
Or Dial 101 to report non-urgent crime
Remember you should always dial 999 if you need urgent help.
Kent Police also has a useful webpage covering rural crime prevention: click here
Contacting Chislet Parish Council
Chislet Parish Council hopes we can help you find the best way to make yourself heard about the things you care about. We are delighted to hear from you and suggest a first step is always to email us at or by using the Contact Us option in this website's menu.
All Parish Council meetings are open for public attendance. Each meeting includes an agenda item for “public discussion” in which members of the public can raise issues they think we need to know about. It is preferable to email our parish clerk to notify of your intention to speak. We ask that any contributions are concise. Depending on the nature of the public discussion, follow up action including official discussion at a subsequent parish council meeting will be reviewed.
Members of the public are welcome to follow the rest of the dialogue within the council excluding any confidential issues. Public participation in the council’s discussion of other agenda items outside the public session is not permitted under normal circumstances.
This explanation is a quick precis of our council meeting process. Official detail can be founding in our Standing Orders on our Policy and Procedures page: click here.
Planning breaches: contact Canterbury City Council
Many concerns in our parish relate to property. Precise planning rules are complicated and depend a lot on precisely what is happening, the nature of the property and the location. If you are concerned about a planning breach, Canterbury City Council conducts enforcement action and you can contact them by clicking on the picture below, or click here.
Anti-social behaviour: contact Canterbury City Council
If you are concerned about anti-social behaviour, you can also contact Canterbury City Council directly for help by clicking on the image below and following the instructions, or click here.
Please keep yourself safe and remember that all urgent crises should always be directed to the police and emergency service 999 number for immediate help.
Public rights of way: contact Kent County Council
KCC are responsible for the public right of way network across this country. You an find information and report a problem by following the link in the picture below, or click here. You have to register to report a problem but the effort is worthwhile as you will then be able to track anything you have reported. Reporting is important so that KCC has a comprehensive picture of the state of the country's footpath. The more people report a problem, the more likely it is to get fixed.