Canterbury City Council (CCC) Planning has decided that the 250 acre solar energy plant proposed by Enso Energy "would not be likely to have significant effects on the environment [and] therefore concludes that ... an EIA [Environmental Impact Assessment] is not required."
Their full letter can be found either on CCC Planning's website (click here) or directly from our website (click here).
This position disagrees with the joint representation made by Chislet and Hoath parish councils that the plans risk "lasting damage ... on [the] environment, society and governance (ESG) of Hoath, Chislet and wider region of Canterbury." (click here for our full letter).
In response to a letter from Sir Roger Gale, MP, CCC Planning have said (click here for the full letter), "As yet, no planning application has been received for a proposed solar farm on the land south of Marley in Hoath. // Should an application be made, it will be the subject of public notification, including involvement of the Ward and Parish Councillors. The applicant would also need to provide a number of studies/assessments, including looking at agricultural land quality, landscape and visual impacts, construction traffic and noise assessments."
The letter asserts furthermore that an EIA was rejected "principally because it [the 250 acre site] is not located within a sensitive area as defined by the regulations, such as a Site of Special Scientific Interest or Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty."