Urgent Road Closure - North Stream, Marshside - 8th August 2022

Kent County Council has informed us that it will be necessary to close North Stream, Marshside from 8th August 2022 for up to 4 days.

Police Surgery - The Chislet Centre - Thursday 11 August. 2.30 - 4pm

Brandon Rains, Chislet's Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) has scheduled a surgery for parishioners this Thursday 11 August between 2.30pm and 4.30pm. 

For more information, visit the Kent Police website (click here) and scroll down for "Meetings and Events".

20220806 PCSO surgery

This event is arranged independently of Chislet Parish Council. We are delighted to welcome PCSO Rains back to our village. 

Visint www.kent.police.uk for more information about Kent Police's activities. 


Road Closure - The Glen, Sandpit Hill and Nethergong Hill - 2 August

Kent County Council has informed us that it will be necessary to close The Glen, Sandpit Hill and Nethergong Hill, Chislet from 2nd August 2022 for up to 1 night.

Chislet Country Fair - 25 June!

Click here to read the review of the 2022 event, taken from the Chislet & Hoath Parish Magazine

20220529 Chislet Parish Fair small

Chitty Lane emergency road closure - 26th May 2022

We have received late notice that it will be necessary to close Chitty Lane, Canterbury from 26th May 2022 for up to 5 days.

The road will be closed 186 meters east of Church Lane. The alternative route is via Church Lane.

This is to enable manhole cover repairs to be carried out by Openreach. Click here for a a copy of the traffic notice.

Facebook page for Chislet Parish Council

Chislet Parish Council has launched a Facebook page as an additional source of information for parishioners. Follow the link below an get involved!


Kent PCSO to meet Chislet parishioners

Our Police Community Support Officer, PCSO Brandon Rains, is holding a ‘surgery’ in The Chislet Centre, St Mary the Virgin Church, Chislet, on Saturday 28 May, 2 - 4pm. This is an opportunity for Brandon to introduce himself to residents (and Parish Councillors) and explain his role in the community.

It also gives residents the opportunity to highlight their concerns and the main issues we are dealing with in Chislet parish.

As this is the first event of its kind in Chislet, we do hope as many residents as possible will come along to meet Brandon and make this an enjoyable and productive event for the benefit of our community. 

Everyone welcome.

About Us

Our parish council represents Chislet, a beautiful village in East Kent, halfway between Canterbury and Margate.