Election of Chislet Parish Councillor


Election of Chislet Parish Councillor

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There is a vacancy to join Chislet Parish Council and enough interest has been expressed in the role to trigger a by-election to fill it.

The election will take place on 24th February 2022.

If you would like to stand for the role, election nomination papers can be obtained from the Elections team at CCC:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 01227 862007

Nominations can be submitted from 10am on 21st January 2022 to 4pm on 28th January 2022

The election process is managed by CCC elections team, so please contact them directly with any questions or queries relating to the nomination process or any other aspect of the election.

Please feel free to contact the Clerk, Geoff Eaton, if you wish to discuss general matters about the Parish Council or the role of a Parish Councillor: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Notice of vacancy on Chislet Parish Council

Due to the resignation of Michael Wilkinson, a vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Parish Council.

Click here for more information and / or contact the parish clerk directly or via this website. 

Temporary road closures: Nethergong Hill & The Glen, Upstreet

To allow pole testing works to be carried out, Kent County Council has made an order to temporarily prohibit through traffic on part of Nethergong Hill & The Glen, Upstreet on 6 December.

Click here for the public notice from Kent County.

Planned power cut in Upstreet - 1 November

UK Power Networks has informed us that there will be a planned power cut on Island Road in Upstreet on 1 November between 09.30-16.30hrs. This is to replace decaying electricity poles. There is more information in their letter which can be found by clicking here.   

Chislet PC objects to the digestate pit

Chislet Parish Council today sent a letter of objection to Canterbury City Council (CCC) Planning and Enforcement to object to Planning Application 21/02265 for retrospective permission for the installation of a digestate storage ecobag bag with construction of bund.

Our full letter can be found here (click here). Councillors objected to the process by which the application has come about, pollution risk and traffic danger.

When voting on the approval of the letter one councillor declared an interest. Two councillors supported and six councillors objected to the application.

For more information about the application, including about how to provide direct feedback, click here or search on CCC’s website (click here).

Missed bin collections - report to CCC

Chislet Parish Council is aware that the recycling collection in Upstreet did not take place last Thursday. It has been reported to City Councillor Carnac and collection will be made as soon as possible. The management of refuse collection has recently changed and CCC has acknowledged some conversion issues that have led to missed collections, even though the vast majority are apparently occurring as scheduled in our district. You are strongly encouraged to report a missed bin collection using CCC's website so that a profile of experience can be documented. To report a missed bin collection, click here

Unofficial contractors

Chislet parish council has been made aware of workers visiting residents in our village offering to tarmac driveways with excess material from a local job. We would like to remind residents that Chislet parish council has no involvement in or endorsement of this activity. We strongly suggest potential customers do their due diligence about such superficially attractive offers. 

About Us

Our parish council represents Chislet, a beautiful village in East Kent, halfway between Canterbury and Margate.